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Gaming News

Original Fortnite has Returned!  For A Limited Time?!

Is this a good change? What are the potential pros and cons of it?

For a very long time, Fortnite gained a big reptutation of becoming a thirf-person shooter that brings cartoon elements and complex mechanics that made the game special. With the recent return of "OG" Fortnite, there has been a spike in numbers over at Epic Games. What do we think over at GZN? Well, we beleive that OG is way better! The OG move from Epic Game got more people plakying the game. At an all time high of 5M players in one day, this decision to bring it back made Fortnite a game to play again! However, it's a limited time only event. :( 

@Google Images

Are MMOs dead?? 



Picture @ Rock paper shotgun

Throughout the history of gaming, the MMO genre has slowly attracted less players and have more quitters than ever before. Games such as World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, and Diablo series had a great impact on the video game industry. But, not for long. Player base has decreased years on end, less players are not as invested as before.  However, the genre isn't necessarily dead, but it still attracts a certain audience who love to explore different worlds, kill difficult bosses, engage in intensity raids, securing loot/in-game currencies, and love the dopamine boost of being a high level. 


Top three reasons why MMOs are dead? 

Huge Time Investment: The genre has a playstyle that requires a lot of people's time to make significant progress. While this doesn't sound bad, it is the foundation of the genre. The amount of time spent in any MMO game requires to secure loot, unlock abilities, gather mounts, achievements, and cosmetics. The process that this take is a long time. The average MMO player that reaches the max level is about 100-150 hours. That's just to reach the max level. The rest is to grind out the "endgame". That's where the real game starts. 

Over-Monetization: The popularity of "Free-To-Play" (F2P) MMOs have become popular over the past few years. This business model of games became widely accessible for everyone to play. However, there comes a cost to that. In the MMO world, when players try to progress at a free to play pace, they will need to invest in time. With microtransactions, players are able to go to the shop and pay for loot, cosmetics, and most likely buying materials to progress to the next level. This makes the F2P players frustrated and quit the game. MMOs used to reward people for their time, now it's rewarding people who swipe their credit card to play new content. 

The FOMO Effect: MMOs have constant updates and always have events and special sales. Oftentimes this forces players to play in order to advance to new content. This is a marketing tactic that developers use to gain back players and also swipe. 


So, that being said, do you think the MMO genre is dead? What do you think? 

Rockstar Came Back From Retirement!

Announcement OF GTA VI

The most anticipated game has officially dropped a trailer: GTA VI. Releasing in 2025. Set in the original game like GTA Vice City, it is going to be set in Miami, Vice City.  Watch the trailer now to get a glimpse of what is to come. We are excited to see what Rockstar has for us!

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