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Gamer Guide 101: How to Set-Up a PC


So, you want to learn how to build your PC? Look no further. We got your back! Building a PC can be a rewarding experience and sometimes an even stressful one if you know what you're doing. 


First, you need to identify what your budget is. Do you want to play high-end games with complete graphics? or just casually play games with the minimum number of specs? That will be up to you. The average gaming PC is about $800-$1000. 

Secondly, you need PC parts.

1. CPU

2. Motherboard

3. Graphics Card (GPU)

4. Decide on RAM- we recommend 16GB.

5. Select Storage- We recommend an solid state drive (SSD) and a hard drive. We recommend 500GB-1TB. 

6. Get a Power Supply (PSU): Select a power supply that will provide enough wattage for the components of your chosen PC aprts. 

7. Decide on a PC Case: Choose a case that accommodates the parts that has good airflow, and meets your aesthetic preferences. Make sure eit has enough space for your GPU and CPU cooler. 

8. Cooling Solution: As stated above, you need a coolers from avoiding your CPU and GPU to overheat. 

9. Time to Assemble: 

- Install CPU to motherboard

- Attach cooler to the CPU

- Insert RAM into the motherboard

- Install the motherboard into the case 

- Install the power supply

- Connect all power cables ton the mother board and components

- Install the GPU

- Connect storage devices

- Cable manage for better airflow 

- Close the case 

Thirdly, you need an internet connection. Preferably a wired connection also known as ethernet cable. The connection won't make you "lag" and have any other connection issues. Another option is to use Wi-Fi, which you'll need to pay for if you build your own PC. pre-built PCs have built in Wi-Fi cards. 

Last but not least, you'll need to setup the Windows software. If you buy pre-built, it automatically comes with it. If you're building a PC yourself, you'll need to buy the software. 

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